

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Having a fun and aimed communication by using a point of decision marketing strategy.

A Point of Decision Marketing is a simple marketing strategy through simple, short, but aimed communication to the right market at the right moment. And you'd be amazed to know that when people get bored of something, your campaign can tingle their emotional needs and sending messages at the same time.

Maybe this might sounds quite crazy, but what you really need is the content that put their interest as your priority. Simple social issues like birthdays, anniversaries, or other simple occasions can be a reminder to something, but other 'reminder' can be an additional recipe on this matter.

Short impression like
"Have you called her this morning?" or "Missing her smile?" or perhaps, "Wanna get lost for awhile?" and other hundreds or perhaps thousands of other impressions that tingle anyone's mind and imagination!

Tickling people's mind lead to other greater things, what comes next is just the synchronizations of the communication itself. Why your product actually fit the message and how to deliver it in a proper way can be a great discovery to draw better pattern for your strategy.

Not that hard to apply if I may say, what you really need is the issue that fit into something fruitful to be absorbed by everyone in a simple way. By this, persuasion is not an effort anymore, it can be a great game for you and your team to invent every single day.

So, let's have fun and communicate more, contribute more and who knows, your simple message can also be the best solution of the day for someone!

April 9th, 2013
Lisa F Sitompul

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